Follow the Latest in Colorado Law

Follow the Latest in Colorado Law

What Is a Personal Recognizance (PR) Bond?

Bonds act as a financial agreement between an individual and the state to secure release while awaiting trial. One such option available in the state of Colorado is a Personal Recognizance bond, also called a PR bond which allows defendants to obtain release without paying anything. Are you eligible for a PR bond?

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Understanding Colorado’s Romeo and Juliet Law: Age of Consent Issues

The Romeo and Juliet law aims to address situations where consensual sex occurs between adolescents who are close in age. In this blog post, we will explore Colorado’s statutory rape laws, explain the Romeo and Juliet exception, and delve into the legal considerations for relationships with varying age differences.

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The Role of Field Sobriety Tests in Colorado DUI Cases

In Colorado, as in many states, law enforcement officers use DUI field sobriety tests (FSTs) to assess whether an individual is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In this guide, we will review the most commonly used FSTs in Colorado, whether or not they are mandatory, their reliability, and the most effective strategies for challenging these tests in court.

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