Follow the Latest in Colorado Law

Follow the Latest in Colorado Law

What Are the Potential Consequences of Criminal Mischief Charges?

While the term “criminal mischief” may not sound too severe, the consequences of this charge can be far-reaching and should not be taken lightly. In this post, we will delve into the details of criminal mischief, explore the implications of this charge, and discuss how a criminal defense attorney can help you navigate this challenging terrain.

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What Are Sentencing Enhancements and How Can They Impact Your Case?

In Colorado, the legal landscape is not always black and white. In certain cases, factors known as sentencing enhancements (also referred to as sentence enhancers) come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of sentencing enhancements, how they work within the context of Colorado law, and how they might impact your specific criminal case.

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Taking a Closer Look at Unlawful Sexual Contact Laws in Colorado

Like many other states, Colorado treats sex crimes very seriously, and this includes cases of unlawful sexual contact. In this guide, we will outline the meaning of unlawful sexual contact and explain the gravity of this offense to help you understand the nuances of the law and protect your rights if you are facing charges in this category.

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What Does It Mean To Be Charged With Menacing?

Though threatening someone may seem harmless under most circumstances, Colorado law takes threats very seriously. Read on to learn more about menacing charges, the implications of these charges in the state of Colorado, and next steps you should take if you are facing charges of this nature.

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